华语武侠片的丰碑。剧情、节奏、人物塑造、表演、细节、动作设计、服装、布景、摄影、剪辑、配乐尽皆完美。| 人说乱世莫诉儿女情,大白电影其实乱世儿女情更长 | 浮萍漂泊本无根,天涯游子君莫问 | 玉在匣中叹,金钗土里埋 | 天大地大我最大 | 我不像你一样,有勇气面对这片沙漠。(9.5/10)
The different universes and atmospheres created by David Lynch always show a strong level of originality, as if the director was focused on creating something radically unique - a delicate balance of opposites, at the frontier of underground ultra-violence & perversion and heart-warming & simplistic vintage feelings. Freud meets Disney in heartland America. In trying to preserve such an ambitious equilibrium, Lynch does miss the mark at times. While Twin Peaks succeeded with absolute perfection in creating a heavenly space-time recently scourged by evil forces, Wild at Heart mixes the genres and styles in confusion, committing a “faute de goût" both in terms of aesthetics and script